8:00-8:30 a.m.
Welcome Time
Greet each child. Children freely explore activity areas.
8:30-9:00 a.m.
Children need a day off to a great start by indulging in a wholesome breakfast.
9:00-9:30 a.m.
Circle Time
Children sit in a circle and sing a song,talk about ideas for the day, check the weather and count days on a calendar.
9:30-10:00 a.m.
Free Play
Children play with blocks, toys, or use provided Mother Goose Time games and manipulatives in small groups.
10:00-10:15 a.m.
Snack Time
Children can participate in snack preparation, serving and clean-up.
10:15-10:45 a.m.
Art Studio
Children create their own art or use provided supplies and project ideas found in the Mother Goose Time Curriculum Kit.
10:45-11:00 a.m.
Story Time
Read the included book of the month, do Participation Stories, use Story Sequence Cards or read a book chosen by a child.
11:00-11:30 a.m.
Music & Movement Time
Weekly 2 music lessons with the music teacher or included Mother Goose Time Music Book and CD.
11:30-12:00 p.m.
Outdoor Play Time
Children play make-believe games with friends. Offer natural playscapes where children can interact with bugs, plants, water and trees.
12:00-12:45 p.m.
Wash Up & Lunch Time
Children need a balance of nutritious food and water to support their brain development.
12:45-3:00 p.m.
Rest Time
Transition activities to slow down the children's rhythm and prepare for rest time.
3:00-3:30 p.m.
Discovery Play Time
Children free play at centers and with friends. Teachers use this time to work individually with children.
3:30-4:00 p.m.
Snack Time
Cooking with children builds critical thinking and social skills. Preparing simple snacks together with children.
4:00-5:00 p.m.
Outdoor Play Time
Children play make-believe games with friends. Offer natural playscapes where children can interact with bugs, plants, water and trees.
5:00-6:00 p.m.
Clean Up & Closing
Toddlers are at a stage of development where they can start to learn how to pick up after themselves.